What are the types of Passports issued in India

What are the types of Passports issued in India
What are the types of Passports issued in India

What are the types of Passport issued in India?


Passports are issued by Indian government departments. They serve as identity cards and facilitate international travel, trade, and residency.

There are 3 types of passports that you can apply for:

Ordinary passport (also known as "ordinary") - For regular travel purposes.

Diplomatic passport - For personal use by diplomats and their family members while abroad on official business of the mission or government.

Official passport - For use by officials authorized by the President to travel abroad on official business of the Union or an authority conferred under any law for such purposes. It also includes members of a diplomatic mission or consular post; their spouses, children under eighteen years of age dependent upon them for support who have been accepted for enrollment in schools in India or abroad; nurses going abroad on deputation basis; doctors/physicians going abroad on deputation basis; professors/lecturers going abroad on deputation basis; scientists working in R&D organizations going abroad under exchange program/project agreements signed between Indian Government/Public Sector Undertakings with foreign governments/organizations etc..

Emergency certificate – A certificate issued temporarily to Indians traveling abroad who have lost their passports while returning home after visiting countries affected with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak since 2014 till date."

Ordinary passport

The Ordinary passport is issued to an Indian citizen for the purpose of travel abroad. It is valid for 10 years from the date of issue.

The first page contains your photograph, name, address and signature. The second page has your particulars as per the Aadhaar card like date of birth, gender and other details. The last two pages contain a summary of all the visas/stamps that you have received while traveling outside India since 2001-2002.

Diplomatic passport

Diplomatic passports are issued to diplomats and their family members. These are issued by Ministry of External Affairs. They are issued for a specific period of time, which can be extended based on requests from the holder(s) and approval from the Ministry of External Affairs.

Official passport

The official passport is a document which is issued by the government of India for the following categories:

    Government employees travelling on official duty

    Diplomats of foreign missions in India or Indian diplomatic missions abroad

    Members of the armed forces traveling on duty

Emergency certificate

An emergency certificate is given to people who are traveling urgently to meet a family member who is seriously ill or has died.

An emergency certificate can only be issued if an applicant can prove that they have a valid passport and tickets for their journey, as well as proof that they need to travel immediately.

The Emergency Certificate will be valid for 14 days from the time of issue and can also be extended in certain circumstances by the Consular Office at Mumbai or Chennai until your next available appointment date when you can apply for a new passport application.

These are the 3 types of Passports issued in India

In India, there are four types of passports that are issued:

    Ordinary passport: This is the most common type of Indian passport, and it's what you'll need if you're applying for your first or replacing your lost or damaged document. Ordinary passports can be renewed up to five times. They're valid for 10 years from their issue date and cost around Rs 2,000 (about $29) to renew online.

    Diplomatic passport: Diplomats who work at embassies or consulates around the world need diplomatic passports so they can travel freely in their host countries without having to go through customs every time they enter and exit a country. These documents are issued by the Ministry of External Affairs on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government in New Delhi, India's capital city. 

    Usually, only high-ranking officials receive these special documents—they're meant more as proof of status than anything else—but there are some exceptions where even lower-level employees may get them too (for example if they need access quickly). Diplomatic passports aren't available for purchase; instead, people who've been awarded one must apply directly with their embassy/consulate before being granted permission by Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj herself!

    Official passport: Official travelers need this kind of travel document because it allows them full entry into any country where an official mission might take place and provides proof that they're allowed free movement throughout that country while carrying out business-related activities such as attending conferences or conducting research projects abroad; etcetera... The best part about official passports? 

     They don't expire until after two years have passed since the issuance date due partially because many foreign governments require adequate lead time when planning events abroad so there will always be sufficient time allotted beforehand during which someone's official duties must take place within this timeframe frame before expiration occurs again - otherwise once expired means no longer eligible!


These are the 4 types of Passports issued in India. It is important to know about these because it will help you in making the right choice when applying for one.

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